Donagh Horgan
. Senior researcher :
My name is Donagh Horgan, and I am joining InHolland as a senior researcher in urban tourism, fresh out of the port of Glasgow.
Claudio is Visiting Research Fellow of New Urban Tourism at Inholland University of Applied Sciences. He has been a Visiting Researcher/Lecturer at universities in the United Kingdom, France, Sweden, Brazil, Italy, Kenya and Sri Lanka. Claudio has given invited talks and notes in events, seminars, and conferences.
His research deals with tourism practices and policies and their effects on urban and rural settings in Europe and Latin America. His works focus on an anthropological tourism analysis and phenomena such as tourist saturation and overtourism have centered his interests. He has recently contributed to the report entitled “Overtourism: impact and possible policy responses” in the context of the European Union and financed by the Committee on Transports and Tourism (TRAN) of the European Parliament and Claudio’s latest publication include the book “Overtourism: Excesses, Discontents and Measures in Travel and Tourism” (CABI International with Joseph M. Cheer and Marina Novelli).