. Resident:
Ina has lived in the van Swietenhof for no less than 71 years. She has seen Zuid change through the years. When she came to…
3 questions to Mirjam…
What do your activities for the Urban Leisure & Tourism Lab involve?
‘Together with colleagues, I ensure that the assignments within the Lab connect with the curriculum. Students from various fields of study carry out assignments within the Lab and every study has its own specific learning objectives; we make sure that cohesion is achieved. It is also my task to tailor the wishes of principals – businesses, for example – to the educational context’.
What is your favourite place in Rotterdam and its vicinity?
‘I always like to be near water; it gives me a feeling of space in a bustling city. For example, I enjoy the view of Hotel New York and the Meuse from the Fenix Food Factory, or the view of the Erasmus Bridge from the terrace of the nhow Hotel’.
What are your dreams for the Urban Leisure & Tourism Lab Rotterdam?
‘I hope that we will soon have a site in the city where we can give lessons outside the school building, so that the students will feel even more strongly that they are doing something for the city. When we are working from a site away from the school, the feelings will change, as will the work attitude. This is something we already experience when occasionally we use a room for meetings or brainstorming sessions. I hope that the collaboration with governmental bodies, businesses and the school is going to become an organic mix’.